Details of the Cloud service

【Cloud Service】Simplifying Operation Processes - SOP Creation and Management Software「Teachme Biz」



Do these problems exist? 


Full-Text Manuals

 Nobody reads these!

Group Training

 Forgotten once it's over


 Different statements from everyone

Teachme Biz is a

A quick, fast and easy to use platform to make detailed manuals/SOP with images and videos, that's can also be used to aid employee management.


   [1] Creation 

Multi-device support at your fingertips

  [2] Management 

With the latest safety features


 [3] Browsing/Use 

Easy to understand and browse with  quality images and videos 

Teachme Biz Case Studies and Results

Maintaining the level of operational quality

【Case】 Used as a medium to guide part-timers for an expanding chain company with multiple outlets

・Reduction in cost and training time of new staff

●Reduction of inquiry within the company

【Case】 Easing the number of inquiries towards the administration staff in the case of a system failure, faulty equipment and confusion in operational guidelines.


●Reducing effort needed to educate New / Probational staff 

【Case】 Reducing the workload needed by current employees when educating fresh faces.

Effective even after probabational period

Example of Successful Application in Malaysia

Used by the famous sushi chain, Sushi King based in Malaysia.



Company Name

Studist Co. Ltd


Further simplying, what needs to be conveyed


Establishing a intellectually vigorous company with the joy of knowledge, design and making of wonderful products


東京都千代田区神田錦町1-6 住友商事錦町ビル9F


代表取締役 鈴木 悟史



Employee Count



6億7,474万円   株主:創業メンバー、日本ベンチャーキャピタル、三菱UFJキャピタル、セールスフォースベンチャーズ、 リクルートホールディングス、三井住友海上キャピタル、横浜キャピタル、ちばぎんキャピタル DNX Ventures(旧ドレイパーネクサス)


Design and distribution of B-to-B cloud-based services

CloudHub Community

Use the following services by registerting an account.(Free Registration


Download Resources

Download Manuals, Readmes, Terms of Used for own use。


Further explanation on this product will be provided。(Only in Kuala Lumpur currently)

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